“YOU’VE GOT US (UTS)” – Is our message to every child, every youth around the world.

As we celebrate the Paralympic launch of #WeThe15 and the world goes purple in support, we want to reaffirm our mission, which has always been to give youth around the world opportunity on the playing field of life. Through our extensive network across the international sport community, we are accomplishing this vision step by step.

With so much more direct youth engagement in the last year, we want to send out a message to the next generations and let them know that we exist, we care, and we will support them through the powerful platform sport provides.

During the COVID-19 Pandemic, UTS adapted and literally worked our socks off as the saying goes, to find a solution to youth inactivity and disconnect from their pre-pandemic lives. We accomplished this challenge with the birth and huge success of the world’s first ever “Virtual Youth Festival” bringing 113 organisations together and over 40,000 youth excitement, sports, education, connection, and a whole lot of inspiration.

We witnessed once again the potential of empowering cities, governments, ministries, federations, NGOs, sport-affiliated organisations and most importantly the athletes and youth.  We opened a door to innovation, flexibility, cross-collaboration, and unity to place youth at the centre right where they should be.

Our current mission as we navigate these unchartered waters is to educate our youth and the network around them to ensure that human rights are protected and understood, that youth of all abilities are always included and that no one is left on the outside looking in.

We will work to encourage visibility, education, and much needed awareness.  We invite you to join us as we take action. UTS focus on an action-oriented approach and will share more details as our events, initiatives and actions come to life. This will start with our next Virtual Youth Festival later this year in November.

We have a unique chance to redefine the future and the legacy we will leave our youth, so may the Olympic torch ignite a flame of hope and action towards the rising of a new era.

As we just experienced the long-awaited Olympic Games 2020 in Tokyo and with the Paralympic Games around the corner, our sights are set on doing the best we can to bring back so much better with you.

Let’s start by going purple today and supporting the Paralympic Movement towards a world where together we enhance the lives of 1.2 billion people with a different ability.

#ThisIsUTS #WeThe15